As you’ve seen from the site analytics, Stack Overflow grew significantly in 2010. We noticed some major technical shifts – more global visitors and an increase in use of Chrome as a web browser. But, our visitors are more than just their web browser, operating system and screen resolutions, they are real people with real careers – valuable knowledge which isn’t measured by Google. Some people may ask why we need to do a survey at all – so, taking poetic license on the 5 Whys, here's how we got to the root answer:
We need a Stack Overflow Annual User Survey.
- Why? – To measure our user’s demographics
- Why? – Potential advertisers judge our site by demographics to see if we fit in with their goals
- Why? – You'll see more relevant ads increasing the value of our advertising
- Why? – With more valued advertisers, we can spend more time developing awesome new features
- Why? – New features create a better user experience, supporting Stack Overflow’s mission to make the internet a better place than we found it.

The results of the survey will be released in a blog post at a future date. You can also receive the final results sooner– simply provide your email at the end of the survey. Your responses are kept completely anonymous and tabulated by SurveyMonkey.